Friday, March 22, 2013

A Couple Interesting Articles About Crossfit

Hello everyone! In my non-stop pursuit to bring you the latest and most current in fitness I stumbled on some articles about crossfit. As one of the articles say, "if you've been living under a rock lately," crossfit is a way of working out differently than the ole' "upper body one day, lower body the next day with 30 minutes on the elliptical." And now it's blown up and become this HUGE trendy thing.

Back when I was living in southern California pursuing a career as a professional boxer, I would regularly go to to see what workout routine they had posted for the day. I would then go to either the nearest high school track, or to 24 Hour Fitness and perform that routine. The workout of the day or "WOD" as the crossfitters call it.

Nowadays, gyms have popped up everywhere that are specifically for crossfit. They're called "boxes." As one of these articles points out, these "boxes" have none of the amenities (like air conditioning in some cases) or expensive machines like you'd see in the usual health club. So it is far less expensive to supply a crossfit gym than say Planet Fitness. And the savings... is in NO way passed down to the consumer.

I'm not at all against crossfit. As stated earlier, I used to follow their routines. There are just a few things I don't like about it, mainly how much it costs and how people are getting injured from it...all the time.

As always, there is plenty of misinformation out there about what it takes to get fit and stay fit.
Anyone who does crossfit will tell you it's the best thing in the world. But these articles just give another angle.

warning: this article has some bad words The Problem(s) With Crossfit

This one has no bad words and seems to be from a guy who really is trying to not be biased. Crossfit: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly

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